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Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is universal life force energy.
Rei in Japanese can be translated as “spiritually guided’ and Ki is “life force energy.”When channeled this life force energy treats the whole body by clearing and balancing all of your chakras and auric field.A reiki healing session can be both relaxing and invigorating as it harmonizes body, mind, and emotions.
A session helps individuals heal by connecting them to their inner sense of calm and well-being.Reiki can be used to reduce stress and heal trauma in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies and can be used in conjunction with other healing techniques. Relaxing music, sage smoke, and crystals may be used to enhance the energy work.
A person receiving reiki need only to lay back fully clothed on a table and relax while the practitioner either lays hand on or slightly above key areas of the body depending on the client.A typical session can last an hour.
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